People are ALWAYS criticizing, commenting and giving UNSOLICITED, UNWANTED advice to others but you really should TAKE CARE OF YOUR HOUSE! It ALWAYS something that we can improve about our lives so NONE of us have the room to ALWAYS have something to say about someone else. No one I know, including my very own family, has their house completely in order. And I don't mean cleaning up literally because I see first hand that means NOTHING under the surface! Its much deeper than the surface!
We all do the best we can and yes, we can always do better. We should not be content when we have more potential than what we are settling for. But damn if I look down my nose at others and DARE say it to them if I DO! Who the hell do I think I am? My OWN house is NOT in order!
We all move at our own paces. That doesn't make anyone better than the other. We make decisions we feel are best for ourselves and our children, families, etc.. If our decisions don't negatively affect someone else and theirs don't affect ours we need to keep moving in the right direction.
Its when we judge because we think we know, we don't ask questions, we listen to negativity without THINKING or QUESTIONING it, we fault EVERYONE else for our setbacks, we don't make sacrifices and do things we don't want to, to get what we HAVE to, is when we throw our shit and EVERYONE else's out of whack! PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES DON'T THROW STONES! TAKE CARE OF YOUR HOUSE!
How are your relationships in your life? Are they poor? If so, why? Are you too judgmental? Do you listen before you speak? Do you THINK before you speak? Do you assume? Do you hold grudges? Are you mean, spiteful, or prone to say things you shouldn't? Do you throw past mistakes in people's faces? If you do any of the above, turn the tables, place your selfish ass in their does it feel? How would you feel if someone ran up in your house every time something happened before you can get it back organized and started trying to place things where you don't keep them or trying to tell you the place you have it isn't good enough? What would you do? I am sure you would kick them the hell out right? And so would I! Because you can take care of your own house!
We may need help and yes, we can get outside help but unless you ask for it, they should assume YOU DON'T NEED IT! If it is something you can control that you are getting help with and its setting people back, STEP IT UP! It may not happen immediately but after a while it will improve and you will get where you should be but people need to let you do that! But when you don't make that effort, you fail yourself and that's YOUR problem! You can't burden the world because its up to you to TAKE CARE OF YOUR HOUSE!
Now if you all will excuse me, I am going back to my proverbial housekeeping..I see a few spots I missed!
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