Friday, December 18, 2009

Under My Skirt

I may as well not even say I wear a skirt, if I can
I am leading the life of a woman and a man
I am a single mother but I gotta be a father too
because I sure didn't find one in a man like you
a man? that's a compliment to say I am tryna be bigger
of a person cuz I really see you as a
word I hate to use but your ignorance is so prevelant
I would act like your not important, not relevant
but for my daughter's sake I will let her see with her eyes
that you are not a man of your word and all you spew is lies
I never cared for you with love and as time goes on I see why
You have some fucking nerve to speak thru your chick
and act like you are stepping up and that simple bitch
had the gall to defend you like she's your attorney
but she ain't walking a mile in my shoes on this journey
Women please stop calling yourself standing up for a brother
who has disrespected and mistreated their childs mother
we get enough shit having to deal with that fool
and to have the added stress of your drama ain't the move
Under my skirt I have to have the balls and be strong
the road ahead of me is tough, rough and long
I wear 2 hats, and I wear the pants
but I am woman enough to show her what to expect from a man
So I may as well not say I wear a skirt if I can
I am leading the life of a woman and a man


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