Friday, November 6, 2009

The Support

Bang! That's the sound I envision
when the jugde grants my child support provision
your lack of responsibility gone land you in prison
you know you're dead wrong for denying
the beautiful bundle thats your offspring
Slam! That's the sound that will begin your personal hell
when your callous ways land your ass in jail
Slap! Is what I wanna do to that tastein your mouth too
cocky ass bastard walking around saying that you
don't have an innocent child that I brought into this world
but fuck what you're saying I know who fathered my little girl
Gasp! Is the breath that will come from your lungs
when you realize no matter how far, you just can't run
My momma didn't raise no fool, I can't really say the same for yours
mine raised a lady you have the balls to call a whore
as I said before
and in case you ain't heard
I'mma make you eat them words
I don't need to do a side by side picture to say
she has your eyes, nose, and mouth because she has your DNA
no need to get on Muary and do the latest hood dance
because a swab if your mouth means you never stood a chance
Simple ass motherfucker. so damn trite
if you think you can fuck my daughter over prepare for a dog fight
Crush! Is the sound of your big ass ego
when you notice half your check is missing and wonder where did it go
I see you like to brag about all the shit you acquired
but aint' bought a onesie, diaper, wipe or a pacifier
Its nothing that you could do for me in any other way
except to start taking care of our daughter today
I don't want to be with you, I don't want your touch
it wasn't all that and your package wasn't much
like I told you before and right now
I'll see you in court, some way some how


Unknown said...

wow thats very powerful. Yeah His ego will be crushed. Very well put. I like it. 2 thumbs up

SingleMamaRants said...

Truth is powerful! Ontop of crushing his ego as Rob said you damaged him as a man. He deserved all the grief and bad luck coming his way.

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