"Patience is a virtue."
Possible interpretation: The ability to wait for something without getting angry or upset is a valuable quality in a person.
I have the patience for a LOT of things but I no longer have the patience for foolery.
I just COMPLETELY block it out or just flat out let it be known.
I don't mind that it's had me single for a while.
I'd rather be alone than be unhappy!
I am just refusing to settle.
I don't care who has an opinion about it either.
I don't base my life on the opinions of others. Period.
What is annoying to me is that men feel that JUST BECAUSE a woman is single she is miserable and that misery will make her accept JUST ANYTHING!
How DARE we say no or refuse their advances.
We aren't supposed to have standards right?
How very wrong!
I know what I want, need and what I personally offer.
I have prayed for what I want and need.
I KNOW what has been coming my way is NOT what God has for me.
I know better than that.
When people disappear and resurface, I am not obligated to entertain you.
I don't want to and I won't be.
I am not the type of woman who is needy but you CERTAINLY can't ignore me either!
That will NEVER fly!
The funny thing about dudes is, they ALWAYS come back. It's up to women to use their better judgment and send them back from whence they came!
I do not require a lot but I DO require consistency, honesty and loyalty.
I don't have the patience for ANYTHING less!
You don't get to go away, leave me wondering what the Hell happened and then come back saying you don't know what happened with us, pretending you were single all this time and now you have this stunning revelation that you want to make it work.
That's a LIE!
It has happened to me SEVERAL times, especially within the last year or so, and I am just over it.
I'm too old for the games!
As I get older my patience becomes thinner and thinner with grown men playing little boy games.
I am a woman raising a woman and I have successfully shown her, by example, that I don't let men treat me any kind of way and I won't start now!
Not even at the sake of being someone's "woman".
I love myself and my daughter too much to be a bad example! The world already sees her as being at a disadvantage because I'm a single mother (I disagree) with an absentee co-creator.
I will NOT feed into those negative stereotypes by traipsing men throughout her life either.
ESPECIALLY if he's not a man of substance!
Get ALL they way out of here with that!
I know one thing I have to really read up on and practice is being a Proverbial Woman.
If I am asking God to send the right one, I need to make sure I am the right one for HIM!
It's only fair!
"To whom much is given, much is required."
Luke 12:48
I NEVER professed to be perfect.
I am imperfect and flawed.
However, if I learned anything from watching my parents marriage my entire life it's how to love a man and how a woman should beloved.
I have always done my best to do what my momma did to love a man. I didn't get how my father loved her from a man in return.
Even knowing that, it didn't and won't stop me from trying and I won't allow it to make me into a bitter woman,
No, I didn't follow the path they laid out for me always but that's part of learning and growing and coming into my own as an adult.
I've learned to be patient if that patience is warranted.
Unfortunately, I haven't met a man worth being patient for...yet.
He's coming. Of that, I am convinced.
My faith won't falter in that.
I have plenty of time despite the world always telling women my age we are getting too old.
I'll settle down but again, I WON'T settle!
So, I'll wait. When he comes, I'll know it.
I'll continue to live life with no apologies and to always be the best person, woman and mother I can.
God is still working on me and if he can be patient with me then I can be patient with Him.