Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Still Gone Be ME!


I wake up every morning to one challenge or another but never having someone to question the content of my character, and ESPECIALLY not uneducated, misguided and people lost in the world. I am intelligent because God did that, I get my guidance from him and I will not let the world consume me before I let my beliefs and faith consume me. My family is a REAL family and when I am wrong they tell me and they try and help me find a better way to go about things. They NEVER enable me and support my poor decisions. It seems that not everyone has this foundation and it shows in their actions. They attempt to break down and insult others as if that will make their miserable lives better. It won't and they will find out soon enough! I abhor and IGNORE people like that, after I tell them about themselves first of course! I mean, would I really be me if I didn't? I am STILL grinding, I am STILL fucking FABULOUS and those kinds people STILL wish they had as much as I do as LITTLE as that is!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Amazon Apps


Just trying a Blogger app on for size! Yes…they have an app for that! I guess it would give me no excuse not blogging then huh? I am on my Kindle Fire,  its portable ... yeah,  I 'll still have an excuse. Back to slumber I shall go! Late nights and early mornings...Dueces!

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4
Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.4

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I stand behind President Obama's budget telling Republicans to end tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. Will you add your name?

I stand behind President Obama's budget telling Republicans to end tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. Will you add your name?: I stand behind President Obama's budget telling Republicans to end tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. Will you add your name?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Brewing Over Brewer!


Jan Brewer is quite a BALLSY bitch! Yeah, I said it and yeah, I MEAN IT! She has SOME nerve to stick her decrepit finger in President Barack Obama's FACE over him disagreeing with her racist stance on Arizona's immigration laws! I had all this to say to her on Twitter! It musta been about 15 tweets! Damn those 140 characters! I urge EVERYONE who disagrees with her behavior to Tweet her, email her, call her office and write her! I am doing all of the above! After my letter to her I posted her info! WE CANNOT LET YET ANOTHER RACIST DISRESPECT PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA! WE HAVE TO TAKE A STAND AS AMERICAN AND AFRICAN-AMERICANS!

My letter to Jan Brewer:

I am so glad I found you on Twitter because I have QUITE a few things to say to you! You are one disrespectful person! Its QUITEquite obvious you don't have an OUNCE of patriostism because of the way you can so very blatantly speak to our nation's president! You don't speak to him that way because you nedd to ALWAYS SHOW RESPECT! HOW DARE YOU!? Apparently, he struck a nerve when he talked about your RACIST stance on immigration! But the truth hurts doesn't it? Your behavior shouldn't be shocking considering you're the governor of a state that doesn't think Martin Luther King Jr. & his achievements should be celebrated! You've a whole lot to learn about what a respectable citizen of THIS country, a country made up of MANY races/nationalities, is all about! Its about EQUALITY; but I guess unless someone is cleaning your house or mowing your lawn, they aren't worthy! You need to remember that more than just white faces voted for you as a governor! How QUICKLY we forget when we get where we want to be in life. The same people you are stepping on & disrespecting now, WILL be the SAME ones you need again! REMEMBER THAT! You need to apologize because you were OUT OF LINE and you KNOW it! If you're as smart as you proclaim to be, you should have well figured that out by NOW! Expressing anger by a person of intellect is not done through yelling & finger pointing so you just showed us that a person of intellect, YOU ARE NOT! Get some PROFESSIONALISM, dignity & tact! Thanks for showing your true colors YET again! I hope people of color show you theirs when you need them again!

Mailing Address
  • Please use mailing address for all correspondence or requests for assistance.
    The Honorable Janice K. Brewer
    Arizona Governor
    Executive Tower
    1700 West Washington Street
    Phoenix, AZ 85007
 Office Locations
  • Arizona State Capitol ComplexGovernor's Office
    Executive Tower
    1700 West Washington Street
    Phoenix, AZ 85007
  • Arizona State Office Complex - Tucson
    Governor’s Office
    400 West Congress
    Suite 504
    Tucson, AZ 85701
 Phone Numbers
  • Phoenix Office:
    Tucson Office:

    Fax Number:
    In-State Toll Free:
(602) 542-4331
(520) 628-6580
(602) 542-1381
1-800-253-0883 (outside Maricopa County only)